Generally, the initial adult visit includes a complete exam, x-rays, routine cleaning and polishing, oral hygiene instructions, oral cancer screening, periodontal diagnosis and a full treatment plan.

Our goal is to provide every patient with:

  • A clean, inviting environment
  • A warm, friendly greeting when you call or come in
  • Doctors and staff who treat you with respect, care and compassion
  • A clear explanation of every aspect of your visit
  • Our sincere appreciation for choosing and recommending this office
Comprehensive Examination

During a comprehensive examination, Dr. Marler or Armstrong will look at much more than just your teeth. He or she will check other areas inside and outside your mouth for signs of disease or other problems. You likely will receive these evaluations:

What To Tell Your Dentist

Your dentist needs to know everything that may help him or her diagnose problems or treat you appropriately. Tell your dentist:

  • Your fears — Many people have fears of the dentist that go back to childhood. Pain control and treatment techniques change constantly. The things you fear most may not exist any longer, or there may be new and improved ways of dealing with them. If you fear you have a particular disease or condition, let Dr. Marler or Armstrong know. He or she can look for signs and either diagnose the problem or set your mind at ease. Often, just talking about your fears will take some of the edge off.
  • Your overall health — Tell your dentist if you've been diagnosed with any diseases or are taking any new medicines. It is important to tell your dentist about all medicines you take. This includes prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines. Even diseases that seem to be unrelated to the mouth may require a different approach to dental treatments or prevention.
  • Your dental health — Before the examination starts, tell Dr. Marler or Armstrong if:
    • You think you have a new cavity
    • Your teeth have become sensitive
    • You feel lumps inside your mouth
    • Any new changes since the last time you visited us

Don't wait to see if the dentist catches it or silently hope the dentist misses it. By telling your dentist your symptoms, you may help him or her make an early diagnosis.

What to Bring

To make your visit as pleasant and brief as possible, there are a few things you should bring with you.

If you've had dental x-rays in the last six months, please bring them to your first appointment or make arrangements to have them sent to our office. You can ask your previous dentist to email them to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you don’t have them, new x-rays will be taken.

We will ask that you come about 15 minutes before your first appointment to fill out a few simple forms. We’ll ask for relevant medical history, any medications you might be taking, your dental history, and any dental insurance coverage you may have. Please bring your dental insurance card and medication lists with you.

Dentistry now offers many new opportunities for improved health, function and appearance that were unavailable only a few years ago. Please do not ever hesitate to ask about anything you do not understand. You will be dealing with a team whose primary goal is to serve you. We look forward to meeting you and earning your trust and confidence.